
July 2011

장원호 2011. 7. 6. 06:06

We had unseasonably cool weather in June, with highs in the upper 70s and lows in 50s in our area while the Midwest and East Coast were tormented by heavy rain and sizzling temperatures. I played more golf during the month of June than any other month in the past and discovered that the major cause of my mistakes was my wearing of eyeglasses for the first time. My doctor had found a distortion of my right eye and prescribed glasses so I could see the ball more clearly. I’m pleased to say that after a period of adjustment, I’m hitting the little white ball straighter and longer.

We have great news from Dr. Joseph Lee, who is relocating from his work with NIH to BioReliance (a branch of Avista Capital) as a senior scientist. Joe says, “This is a great thing for my career, since being promoted within five years is a necessity in today's biotech/pharmacology world.” Joe will be biking to work from his nearby home. Joe and Eunhee are going to take a vacation to the Grand Canyon for some camping and to Las Vegas for some gambling and entertainment the week of July 15–22. Congratulations!

I was invited to give a speech to the Women’s Club of Beauty Supply during their annual conference in Los Angeles on June 28. The topic they chose was “Women and the Work Force,” which wasn’t really in my field. However, I had been the keynote speaker on a one-hour MBC television program in Korea in 1998 on how “women can change the world” after the great financial fiasco that year.

My presentation focused on information technology as a potentially important area for women in the workplace and on the family as a critical factor for both working men and women. I used anecdotes and episodes from my own experience that made the audience laugh and cheer. The club is an amazing organization, and I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with them.

We were honored to be invited to lunch at the Gogooryo restaurant by Dean and Sue Mills, who were spending the holiday in their resort home in Oceanside. Their first son, Dr. Jason Mills, and his charming eleven-year-old daughter also joined with us. Dean, the dean of MU’s journalism school, is thinking about retiring after 22 years and many historical achievements, such as like creating the Reinhold Journalism Institute and celebrating the centennial of the first journalism school in the world. We wish them all the best. has been selling more copies of my Destiny book after a very nice book review and an article about the background of my writing on the Korea Daily in Los Angeles, which is a branch of the JoongAng Ilbo in Korea. That book review can be found on the Internet at:  


The following statement will be printed on the ballot. I would like to have your comment or suggestion for my election in September.

 I am willing to make devoting my efforts toward the betterment of the community the top priority of my “retirement without retiring.”

I’m a hard-working person, as proved by my lifetime of achievements, including completing my BA in two years, my MA in 18 months, and my PhD in 19 months after coming to the United States from Korea with just $50 in my pocket. I’ve also written three books since moving to the Village.

I am a researcher, and over the past 30 years I’ve taught scores of journalists how to gather information about social trends and issues and how to analyze that data. I’ll put those skills to work to identify and address areas where our community can be improved. I’m also a numbers person and have considerable experience in dealing with large budget and finance issues.

As a retired college professor, I’m an experienced communicator and I’ll use my communication skills to facilitate the exchange of ideas between Village residents and the Third Mutual Board.

I’m a team player who possesses the patience and humility to look for—and find—solutions. At the University of Missouri, I chaired a committee with 50 doctoral faculty members, all of whom had their own ideas concerning any one issue.