"Dear Children" by Amazon.com Distribution
Dear Children: Letters from a Journalism Professor
The revised edition was created by createspace.com and accepted by amazon.com for national and international distribution on January 19, 2010. You may find this edition by a simple search of my name or book tile. It is priced $7.95.
I am excited with this venture and revising it with additional chapters.
Title Dear Children
Subtitle Letters from a Journalism Professor
Description My wife and I have been blessed to have three children who are well educated, happily married and successful in their careers: Susan and her husband, David, have an architectural firm in North Vancouv...
Primary Category Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs
Country of Publication United States
Publication Date January 19 2010
Language English
Search KeywordsMemoirs; Forgotten Years;Korean American Professor
Contributors Authored by Won Ho Chang
Author's BiographyWon Ho Chang was born in Korea, educated in Seoul, and worked for a United Nations project for three years before being selected for a national scholarship to study in the United States. Won arrived a...
Physical Properties
( Complete ) Edit
Number of Pages162
Interior TypeBlack and White
Trim Size6" x 9"
BindingUS Trade Paper
Paper ColorWhite
Book Interior 8207966.pdf Jan 13 2010
Book Cover
Sales Channel Management
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List Price$7.95
Sell via Amazon.com Retail Yes
Amazon.com Retail status Live on Amazon
Sell via eStore Sales Yes
Type of eStore Public
Sales Region US and international sales
Sell via Expanded Distribution No
( Complete ) Edit
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eStore URL https://www.createspace.com/3422365
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