Korean : 장 원 호 Chinese : 張 元 鎬 English : Won Ho Chang |
Title |
Professor-Emeritus, School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 |
Telephones |
949-458-3831, 949-636-8865 (Cell) |
E-Mails |
changw@missouri.edu / changw37@gmail.com |
Addresses |
4010-2B Calle Sonora Oeste, Laguna Woods, California 92637-3292 |
Educational Degrees |
1961. 3. 21 |
BA in Political Science, Korea
University |
1968.6.5 |
BA in Journalism, University of Oregon |
1970.1.20 |
MA in Journalism, University of Southern California |
1972.5.10 |
Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Iowa |
Appointments |
2011-2014 |
Director, Board of the Third Laguna Hills Mutual |
2005-2007 |
President, Korean-American Club, Laguna Woods Village |
2005-2007 |
Treasurer, Laguna Woods Village Men’s Golf Club |
2001-2003 |
Distinguished Chair Professor,
Ajou University |
1987-1988 |
Fulbright Professor to Korea University [훌브라이트 교수] |
1980-1981 |
Visiting Professor, Korea
University and Sophia University |
1972-1977 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Assistant Professor [조교수] |
1977-1982 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Associate Professor [부교수] |
1982-2000 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Professor [교수] |
1996-1997 |
President, International Society
for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity |
1992-현재 |
Director of William Stephenson Research Center [스티븐슨 연구소 소장] |
1992.8 |
O.O. McIntyre Distinguished Professor [맥칸타이어 석좌교수] |
1991-1992 |
Associate Dean for Research
and Graduate Studies |
1995-1998 |
Chair, Advertising Department [광고학과 학과장] |
1983-1986 |
President, Korean American
Communication Association |
1983-1987 |
Director, Journalism Computer Center [언론 컴퓨터 센터 소장] |
1963-1966 |
Administrative Officer, United
Nations Special Project in Korea |
1961-1963 |
Associate Manager, Personnel Department, Office of Rural Development [농촌진흥청 인사담당 행정주사] |
Publications [연구 실적] |
새로운 청년을 위하여 [An American journey of A Korean-American Journalism Professor], 중앙 M&B, 2000 |
미국을 넘으면 한국이 보인다[What Koreans Can Learn from american Experience], 도서출판 이채, 1998 |
미국신문의 위기와 이해 [The Crisis and Challenge of American Newspapers], 나남출판, 1998 |
The Rise of Asian Advertising (with Teddy Palasthira and Hung Kyu Kim), Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
장박사와 미주리 언론마피아 [Dr. Chang and Missouri Journalism Mafia], Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
하이! 닥터 장 [Hi! Dr. Chang], 벽호출팜, 1997. |
하이! 닥터 장 [Hi! Dr. Chang], 벽호출팜, 1997. |
Mass Media in China: Its History and Future, Iowa State University Press: Ames, Iowa, 1989. |
激變하는 新中國 [Rapidly Changing China], 시사영어사, 1989. |
Editor, Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol. 1-Vol. 12, Sungkok Journalism Foundat ion, 1990-2002. |
Codes--The Ethical Free-For-All, Freedom of Information Center and American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), March 1977. |
노동신문에 나타난 쏘련[The Image of Soviet Union in the Nodong Shinmun], 한국외국어 대학교 출판부, 1981. |
TV와 정치[Television and Politics in Korea], 한국방송공사, 1988. |
"Characteristics of Women's Page Editors," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1975. |
"A Typology Study of Movie Critics," Journalism Quarterly, Winter 1975. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," Resources in Educahon, January 1975. |
"Communication and Acculturation," In H. Kim (Editor), The Korean Diaspora: Historical and Sociological Studies of Korean Immigration and Assimilation in North America. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio, Inc., 1977. |
"What Interests You Most About Journalism: A Thematic Content Aoalysis," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], December, 1980. |
"Unification Issues in Two Korean Newspapers", Journalism Quarterly, Winter, 1981. |
"Vertical Integration of Mass Media in Japan," Gazette (International Journal of the Science of the Press), Vol. 27, No.3, 1981. |
"Network Television Coverage of International News," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], Vol.18, October1, 1984. |
"Yonhap News Agency: Gatekeeper of International News in Korea," Korean Studies (University of Hawaii Press), Vol. 8, June, 1985. |
"American Foreign Policy and the Press: A Study of American Newspapers' Coverage of Korean News," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol 63, June, 1986 |
"China Daily: A New Voice in a New China," The Journal of Asiatic Research, July 1988 (Co-authored with Jane Clark) |
"Korean Students and Anti-American Attitudes: A Q-Methodological Study," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 67, June, 1989. |
"Image of Soviet Union in American Newspapers: A Content Analysis Three Newspapers," Is the Cold War Over? edited by Everette E. Dennis, George Gerbaer, Yassen N. Zassoursky, Sage Publications, 1991. |
"Global Journalism," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 3, 1992. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol.5, 1994 |
"Global Information Network," International Communications in North-East Asia, edited by Hyeon-Dew Kang, Nanam Publishing House, 1994. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 7, 1996. |
"통신 위성개발과 개발도상국," 한국외국 어대학보, 1981 봄. |
"새 세계 정보질서," 신문연구, 1984 봄. |
"컴퓨터와 신문," 컴퓨터 비죤, 1984년 7월. |
"한국 TV 토론 푸로그램," 방송연구, 1987년 10월. |
"문화혁면후의 중국 매쓰미디어," 韓國人, 1987년 10월. |
"민주주의의 선거 여론 조사," 동아일보, 1987년 10월 6일. |
"미국 언론의 새로운 경향," 新聞硏究, 1987년 11월. |
"위험제도와 선거운동," 중앙일보 1987년 12월 9일. |
"중국사회의 변화," 韓國人, 1988년 10월. |
"중국의 한국인과 한국언론," 월간조선, 1988년 3월. |
"중국의 사회경제 개발," 동아일보, 1988년 7월 11-13일. |
"쏘련붕괴와 미국언론," 新聞硏究, 1991년 11월. |
"재미 한인신문," 미국의 한국인, 민병갑편저, 서울 유림문화사, 1991, pp.280-296. |
"새로운기술과 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 2월. |
"데이타 베이스와 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 6월. |
"디지탈 미디어와 신문," 신문과방송, 1993년 8월. |
"정보혁명과 21세기," 한국문화와 21세기, 서울 나남출판, 1996. |
"여름 바캉스 시즌 반짝 섹션 성공: 미국신문의 섹션견쟁 사례," 신문과 방송, 1997년 6월. |
"미국신문의 위기와 장래," 新聞硏究, 1997년 여름 |
"Communication and Acculturation: A Study of Ethnic Groups in Los Angeles," presented at the 1972 Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism (AEJ) at Carbondale, Illinois, August 21 -23, 1972. |
"Complex Communication System and Social Change," presented at the 1973 International Communication Association (ICA) at Montreal, Canada; April 21-24, 1973. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Woman's Page Editors: Self Perceived Status," Presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Myth of Democracy: From a Communication Perspective," presented at the 1974 Mid-Western Conference on Asian Affairs at Lawrence, Kansas; November 1-2, 1974. |
"Freedom of the Press in Korea," an invitation paper to speak at the 9th Korean Christian Scholars Conference at Dallas, Texas; March 22-25, 1975. |
"Communication and Political Socialization," presented at the Joint Conference of Korean Political Science Association and American Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea; June 7-12, 1975. |
"Freebies Achille's Heel of Journalism Ethics," Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism. March, 1979. Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Co-authored with Keith P. Sanders. |
"Unification Issues in Korea: A Content Analysis of Dong-A Ilbo and Nodong Sinmum," presented at the Third Joint Conference of the Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea, June 18-20, 1979. |
"Future of the Journalism Education in America," presented at the Annual Convention of the Korean Journalism Association at Chungpyung, Korea, August 7-10, 1980. |
"How to Use Two Extra Pages: For the Benefit of the Readers," Presented to A Special Panel Discussion with Editorial Staff of Joongang Ilbo, December 20, 1980. |
"Mass Media and National Development: National Level Analysis," presented at the 1984 Internationa1 Communication Association (ICA) convention, May 24-28, Hilton Hotel in San Francisco, California. |
"Computer and New Technology in Mass Media," a special lecture for the Korea Press Institute in Korea, June 19, 1984. |
"Computer Graphic and Animation in Television," a special lecture for the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), June 27, 1984. |
"Community Newspaper in America," a guest lecture for the annual Convention of the Korean Newspaper Publishers Association, June 27-28, Sokri-Mountain Hotel in Korea. |
"Television Networks and International News," presented to the 1984 convention ofthe Korean Journalism Association, June 30-July l, 1984, Chunchon Tourist Hotel, in Chunchon, Korea. |
"Pragmatism as a Way of American Life," presented to the International Seminar of the Daewoo Foundation, July 2-4, 1984, Hilton Hotel In Seoul, Korea. |
"Computer and New Technology in Newspaper," a special lecture for the staff of the Korea Economic News, July 5, 1984. |
"Agricultural Journalism in America," for the staff of the Farmer's News in Korea, July 19, 1984. |
"Computer and Newspaper Production," a special lecture for the staff of the Chosun Daily News, July 20, 1984 |
"Delivery Problem in American Newspapers," for a special lecture for the meeting of the Korean Newspaper Sales Managers Association, July 25, 1984. |
"Gatekeeping Control of International News: A Case Study of Yonhap News Agency in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"Typology Study of Attitudes Toward Crime News in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"The Press in China," a speech delivered to a Korea University alumni meeting on September 24, 1987. |
I was on a special panel for the KBS program "Friday Debate" concerning "the Presidential Election and TV Debate," on October 16, 1987. |
"The Koreans and Korean Newspapers in China," a special lecture delivered to the public under the sponsorship of the Korean Cultural Research Center of Korea University on October 24, 1987. |
I was invited to be a special panel member for a workshop on "the 1988 Olympics and Television," held in Yusong, Korea for three days, October 28-30, 1987. |
"Equality and Economic Development in China," a special speech delivered to a meeting of the national Business Owners Association on November 10, 1987. |
"Political Broadcasting and Fair Reporting," a special lecture for a group of reporters of the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) on November 11, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korean Language Newspapers," a special lecture for students of Kaemyung University in Daegu, Korea on November 12, 1987. |
"The Changing Pattern ofthe ChinesePress," a special lecture for graduate students of ChungnamUniversity in Daejun, Korea on November 17, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korean Language Newspapers," a special lecture for a class of mayors class at the National Training Center for Provincial Government Employees on November 23, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korea Language Newspapers," a special lecture f or students of Chun-nam National University in Kwangju on November 27, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korea Language Newspapers," a speech to the meeting of the Korean Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society at the President Hotel on March 23, 1988. |
"Social Control of Information in America," a speech to the meeting of the American Studies Association of Korea on March 31, 1988. |
"Image of Koreans in the American Media," a speech to a USIS seminar in Kwangju, Korea on April 15,1988. |
"Current trends of Mass Media Research in the United States," a speech to the annual meeting of the University of Missouri Alumni in Japan on April 30, 1988. |
"Alternative Newspapers in the United States," a speech to a USIS seminar inTaegu, Korea on May 4, 1988. |
"Computer Application for Newspapers," a speech toThe Kookmin Daily News on August 5, 1988. |
"Computer and Newspaper: System Design," Keynote speech to the Seoul Press Foundation Seminar at Dragon Valley Hotel, July 7-10, 1989. |
"Media Reform in Korea," (Co-authored with Young-Khee Kim) presented to the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies at the California State University at Long Beach, California, October, 1989) |
"Press and National Interest," presented at the 4th International Conference of ISSSS at University of Missouri, October, 1989. |
"Journalistic Ethics in Korea," presented to the Mini-Conference on International Communication and Ethics at University of Missouri, April 20-22, 1990. |
"Future of Advertising in the Pacific Rim," An invited speech to the International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary of the China Daily, Grand Hotel-Beijing, June 1, 1991. |
"FutureofNewspaperIndustry," Special lecture to the Graduate School of the Korea University, June 11,1991. |
"Global Information Network: Cooperative Perspectives for Broadcasting in Northeast Asian Countries," Presented at the international symposium on Changing International Order in North-East Asia and Communication Policies at Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea, April 7-9, 1992. |
"Cooperative Steps Toward Planetary Journalism," presented at the 14th International Conference of the International Peace Research Association in Kyoto, Japan, July 27-31, 1992. |
"Future of Newspaper Industry in the United States," The 1st International Conference on Mass Media and the Future Society, Korea University, June 4, 1993. |
"New Communication Technology and Mass Media," a special lecture for the All China Journalists Association in Beijing China, June 9, 1993. |
"Future of Advertising in the United States," a speical lecture for the graduate school of mass communication, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, May 24, 1994. |
"Journalism and Journalism Education for the 21th Century," a special lecture for Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea, May 27, 1994. |
"Newspaper for the 21th Century," a lecture for Wonkwang University, Chonju, Korea, June 9, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," presented at the 19th IAMCR Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 3-3, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News: A Content Analysis of Three Network News," presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the IA in Sydney, Australia, July 11-15, 1994. |
"Multimedia and Journalism," a special speech for the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Sungkok Journalism Foundation, Dragon Valley, Korea, September 16, 1995. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" presented at the 3rd Truman Conference at the President Hotel, Seoul, Korea on October 11, 1996. |
"What Koreans can Learn from American Experience: Mass Media and Society," keynote speech for the International Conference on "New Horizons for Local Media in the 21st Century," Chonnam National University in Kwangju, Korea on November 22, 1996. |
"World's Quality Papers and Korean Press," the first International Journalism Workshop, organized by The Munhwa Ilbo, Seoul, Korea on November 25, 1996 |
"University/College Newspapers in America," Keynote Speech to a special seminar for the 50th anniversary celebration of Korea University Press, Koreana Hotel, November 3, 1997. |
Ph.D. Dissertations [박사 지도논문] |
Jyoti P. Dutta, "Mass Communication and NationalDevelopment : A Case Study of Bangladesh," August 1980. |
Michael E. Abrams, "Religious Broadcasting: A Q-Methodological Study of Elderly Audiences," May 1981 |
Murilo Ramos, "Ideology of the News : Images of the Working Class in Brazilian Newspapers," December 1981 |
William James Willis, "Leadership in the Newsroom : The Editor as a People Manager," May 1982. |
Yong Sang Park, "Freedom of the Press:A Q-Methodological Study," August 1983. |
Jeong-Tak Kim, "Communication and Alienation," December 1984. |
Hung Kyu Kim, "Crime News in Korea: An Attitudinal Study," May 1984. |
Ven-Hwei Lo, "Scientific Method as a Journalistic Tool : A Q-Methodological Study," May 1985 |
Shubua Chang, "Communication and National Integration : A Content Analysis of Chinese Newspapers," December 1985. |
William A. Mulligan, "Journalism Revolution in China," December 1985. |
Seung Hyun Kim, "Information Flow : A Critical Approach from a World-System Perspective," May 1986. |
Jung-Ho Han, " Segmentation of Readers' Perceptions of a Newspaper's Self-Advertising Messages : Cognitive and Affective Levels of Attitudes," May 1987 . |
Sang Won Lim, "Ideology and International Information Flow : A Q-Methodological Study," July 1987. |
Suk-Hong Yoon, "National Interest and Press : A Q-Methodological Study," July 1987. |
Man-Soo Chung, "Consumer Information-Seeking Behavior and Magazine Advertisements : A Case Study of Automobile Advertising," May 1988 |
Tae Chul Jung, "The Media, Social Conflict and Change in South Korea: A Critical Analysis," December 1988. |
Girl-Jin Chung, "Attitudes toward Advertising : A Q-Methodological Study of Consumers and Advertising Practioners in Korea," May, 1990. |
Byung Dong Woo, "President Nixon and the Washington Post : A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Watergate Affair," May, 1991. |
Young-Khee Kim, "Mass Media, Environment and Social Movement : A Q-methodological Study," December, 1991. |
Min-Kyu Lee, "Personal Computers and Newspaper Journalists : An Application of Reasoned Action Theory," December, 1992. |
Byung Soo Lee, "Power and Knowledge : Newspapers' Coverage of the Steel Strike of 1919-20," May 1993. |
Richard J. Ganahl, "Newspaper Readership and Credibility : An Application of Media Uses and Gratification Theory," May 1994 |
Jong-Chan Kim, "Press and Military in Korea : An attitudinal Study," May, 1995. |
Wenbing Chen, "A Socio-Professional Portrait of the Washington Foreign Correspondents," May, 1995. |
Seung Koo Kang, "The Persuasive Effect of Corporate Image Advertising : A Study of the Advertisements of Automobile Corporations," December, 1995. |
Jane Bess Singer, "Newspaper Journalists' Actions and Attitudes Regarding Interactive Media," May 1996. |
Jiafei Yin, "Selling to the Central Kingdom : A Survey of International Advertisers in China," May, 1997. |
Euntaek Lee, "Journalism, Health and Community : A Q Methodological Study," May 1998. |
Kewen Zhang, "The Computer Network-Based Media and Ethnic Electronic Community," August, 1998. |
Jongmin Park, "Causal Attributions and Expectancy Estimates of Commercial Web Surfers," December, 1999. |
Hun Shik Kim, "Gatekeeping International News: A Q Methodological Study of Television journalists in the United States of America and Korea," May, 2002. |
2013 RESUME (0) | 2013.04.01 |
장원호 [Won Ho Chang] 교수는 (2) | 2013.03.31 |
Profile - Won ho Chang (1) | 2009.08.17 |