Quality of Life Study of the Third Mutual
What can be done to make Laguna Woods Village a better place to live?
The purpose of this study is to develop and monitor indicators of the quality of life experienced by Village residents.
Of the 3,427 questionnaires that were mailed out to residents who were selected
as a sample of the Third Mutual residents during the last week of March, 2013,
1,456 responses were returned by the deadline of April 30, 2013. The return
rate was about 40 percent, and this study resulted in a margin of error of +/-
2.5 percent (at the 95% level of confidence) for questions answered by the
1,456 residents.
The vast majority of residents (96.7%) feel Laguna Woods Village is a good
place to live and agreed that service programs and amenities are good (78.7%).
Demographic Profiles
Average age is 78 year and 3 month old (born in 1912-1929 =31%, 1930-1939=36%, and 1940-1964=33%);
75% live as owner and 25% as renters;
60% female and 40% male;
60% college and more education;
25% under 30k (mode) and 60% under 50k, average is 36,800;
An average year in residence= 5 years, 37% up to 10 years, 60%.
74% came from California;
85% are White Caucasian, Anglo European and 11.5% Asians.
Regarding the Questions 11 to 26 (5 point scales,” How important are the programs to make this Village a better place to live,” The following 5 items are rated as the best 5:
1. Street lights 3.53,
2. Landscape 3.45
3. Better look of building 3.05
4. More parking 2.98
5. Replacing our carports with alternative 2.82
These items are on the list of the priority of the Community Revitalization Committee.
Thinking of your move to Laguna Woods Village, please check the THREE. Factors below which were most important in your decision to move to our Village?
1. Location 942 69.5%
2. Safety from Crime 715 52.7
3. Recreation 709 52.3
How satisfied are you with the following services? (5 point scale)
1. Recreation 4.07
2. Street Maintenance 3.80
3. Security 3.77
4. Building Upkeep 3.61
5. Bus Service 3.59
6. Broadband (TV & Internet) 3.19
#43: The current programs and facilities at our Village are fine and I do not want to increase our monthly assessment for any new or expanded programs, services, or facilities.
Mean=3.46/4 90% agree 10% disagree
#44: Broadband System (Internet and Television including TV6) serves as a vital function of communicating with our residents. I am willing to pay more for upgrading the system.
Mean=2.23/4 61% disagree
#47: Compared to the last community you lived in, would you say that moving to Laguna Woods Village has improved life:
Mean-2.59/4 60% Yes 35% no difference 5% no
#48: How do you feel about the people who live around you? Would you say that they are?
Mean=4.28/5 82% good
#49: How satisfied are you with your neighborhood as a place to live?
Mean=3.62/4 82% yes
#50: All things considered, how do you feel about the Laguna Woods Village as a place to live in?
Mean=3.64/4 97% good
The cross tabulation shows a statistical difference.
Not good at all |
Not very good |
Fairly good |
Very good |
1 .2 |
13 2.8 |
152 32.4 |
303 64.6 |
6 - 10
5 1.6 |
12 3.9 |
67 28.5 |
201 65.9 |
11 -over
1 .2 |
9 1.8 |
135 26.6 |
363 71.5 |
Chi-square=16.9 DF=6 p<.01
#51: How often do you access the Internet?
74% daily 9% weekly 17% No
Never |
Once a week |
Every day |
1 - 5 # % |
44 9.3 |
31 6.6 |
397 84.1 |
6 - 10
44 14.5 |
21 6.9 |
239 78.6 |
11 - over
129 25.5 |
64 12.6 |
313 61.9 |
Chi-square=68.6 DF=4 p<.001
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