I was born in a rural town, Umsong South Korea in 1937, was educated and had a successful career as a distinguished professor of journalism in the University of Missouri USA. Throughout and especially in these years of retirement, I have traveled all over the world.
I was heavily motivated to be a scholar at a very young age by my grandfather who had vision based in the Confucian values and philosophy, which emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity.
I was told by my grandfather that my life's destiny came under the sign of the "running horse," which would carry me around the world. The source of this Confucian prophecy, The Book of Changes, considers the cycle of one life span to be 60 years. I have now surpassed that cycle by over a decade, but my destiny continues to keep me running. This book is an examination of that destiny and looks back at what I have done to accomplish my goals along the way.
My first goal was to achieve the highest level of education. I began that journey in provincial high school in Chongju Korea, eventually making my way to Seoul Korea for college. After four years of preparation after graduating from Korea University, I made my way to Eugene, Oregon to take another bachelor's degree in journalism. Then I moved down to Los Angeles for my master's and finally to Iowa City for my ultimate goal, a doctoral degree. It took me 35 years of hard work to achieve that goal.
My second goal was to be successful in my career. My career was centered on the teaching of journalism at the University of Missouri. I was honored to be awarded the O.O McIntire Distinguished Chair Professorship and worked as a department chair, director of the Stephenson Research Center and associate dean for graduate studies and research. I supervised 33 doctoral dissertations, wrote 16 books, spearheaded the use of word processing in printing newspapers, helped to establish and modernize newspapers in Asia and mentored motivating young journalists all over the world.
My third goal was to have a successful family life. My wife Young and I have been happily married for 54 years. We have been blessed to have three children who are well educated, happily married and successful in their careers: Susan works as a City Planner, and her husband, David, has an architectural firm. They live with their sons Ben and Eric in British Columbia, Canada; Anthony, a senior international attorney for a law firm, he lives with his wife, Damee, in Seoul, Korea with their children, Alex and Chloe; and Eugene is a professor of Emerson College in Boston, and his wife, Tessa also is a professor and department chair of Wheaton College in Norton Massachusetts. They live in the Boston area with their son, Tobin.
Now, as a retiree, I have settled in a retirement community, Laguna Woods Village in California. My destiny, however is keeping me running. I work as a leader of a traveling group of retirees and am traveling around the world for searching for renewed meaning to my life in retirement. I also have been reading many books, both fiction and non-fiction, which I could not do when I was immersed in my academic research and teaching. I am also enjoying the natural wonders of the surrounding mountains and beaches and practicing my favorite sports, golf and fishing. What meaning does my life hold for me now? I am running to explore this question in the pages that follow.
Laguna Woods Village,
December 2016
After 80 years
After 80 years, I’ve realized the simple truth that my family and friends are an integral part of my happiness. I regret that I had to pursue fame and glory at the expense of my genuine happiness with my family. I still wonder how I had decided to go abroad to study more when I had to leave my wife and two children in Korea. I am still grateful for Young, my wife, who supported my decision. But my two older children, Susan and Anthony, at their young ages, did not know about my adventure. I had worked hard for all of my family, but I had not played with Susan and Anthony when they needed to have their father around.
I also discovered my joy in life when working hard to overcome challenges and adversity caused by unforeseen events, destiny, or divine providence. I had worked hard to overcome the difficulties of being a poor international student. I had achieved my goal of receiving three degrees: BA, MA and Ph.D. in six years in the United States. After receiving three degrees, I had worked hard to support the education of my three children, while I had been devoted to help hundreds of students in their journalism careers.
After my retirement, I have been working full time traveling, reading, writing and publishing books. I wrote a book in Korean in 2007 called “Retirement without Retiring,” which explains the components and ideal types of retirement. The book also concludes that retirement can require more than a full time job. I am busier now than before the retirement. When I have a spare time, I travel around the world with a particular fondness for the beautiful mountains and Buddhist temples in my beloved country, Korea.
I worked hard to establish a system to publish books through, which is selling my eight books and two other books, authored by others. In 2014 I also created the Korean Book Club (KBC) in the Laguna Woods Village to help members publish their autobiographies.
I even enjoy working on projects like home improvement, house cleaning, car washing and exotic cooking. As a part of my retirement, I enjoy tending a garden that is thriving with vegetables and citrus fruits. I enjoy working.
I believe the remainder of my life should be devoted to the happiness of others instead of my own. I am devoting my work to my wife of 55 years, my three children, their spouses, and five grandchildren.
I believe my physical fitness needs to be a vital part of my retirement agenda. Playing golf had been my major exercise before reaching my age of 80 years. Golfing takes too many hours of my valuable time, and I hate to make so many mistakes hitting the golf ball. I found other types of exercise fit my needs.
Walking is at the top of my list. I walk around my neighborhood as much as I have opportunities. Walking helps me move my body while I enjoy meditating, watching flowers, trees and blue sky, and singing my old nostalgic songs. I also renew my old exercises of swimming and weight lifting.
I used to enjoy watching sports, like football, baseball, basketball and golf. I rarely watch television these days. The thrilling excitement and suspension of the games, news and entertainments disturb my peace of mind. I'd rather read books of philosophers like Goethe, Pascal and Schopenhauer.
My retirement life now consists of love, works, exercise, travel and meditation.
난, 한국이 좋다 (1) | 2023.04.18 |
2022년 5 월 6일에 장원호와 김영숙은 결혼 60주년을 맞이하여 "삶의 보람을 찾아서"를 출간하였다.I (0) | 2023.04.18 |
"여행 이야기" 소개 (0) | 2013.08.20 |
Quality of Life Study: Laguna Woods Village (0) | 2013.08.20 |
Colorful Death Valley (2) | 2013.03.29 |
장원호 박사, 자서전 <오십달러 미국유학> 펴네!
피와 땀으로 점철된 유학생활,
조국사랑의 50년 역정 담아
미국의언론학계는물론한국언론학계와언론계에널리알려진미주리대학교석좌교수(은퇴) 장원호박사가오십달러미국유학제호의자서전을최근펴냈다. 장 박사는 지금까지 수많은 논문, 전문저서, 에세이 집, 여행기 등을 내놓았었다. 동자서전은그의피와땀으로점철된유학기와재미언론학교수로서조국에대한사랑과희노애락의삶, 50 년의 역정을 비교적 자세하게 담았다.
1937년 충북 음성출신, 청주중고-고려대 정치외교학과-군복무-농촌진흥청(공무원)-국제식량농업기구(공무원)를 거쳐, 결혼자녀둘을둔청년장원호는가족을한국에두고, 홀로단돈50달러(당시 한국정부 허가 액)를 손에 쥐고, 유학차 미국행상선 진덕호에 올라 19 일 만에 오리곤 주 포틀란드에 도착, 근처 박씨 농장에 취직, 피와땀의 유학생활을 시작한다.
오레곤 대학 언론학부에 입학하고 식당일, 백화점 청소원, 네바다주 도박장 웨이터 보조, 세탁물 트럭 운반, 잔디 키우기 등의 일을 해 가며 학사 학위를 마치고, 남가주대(USC) 언론학 석사과정에 입학, 신문사공무국, 윤전실 일을 하며 학위를 얻는다. 가족과 재회 아이오와 대학원에 진학, 1년 7개월 만에 언론학 박사학위를 받아 동 대학 창설이후 최단기 박사학위 취득기록을 세운다. (동기간 아내는 칫솔공장과자동차부품공장에 취직 가족의 생계를 이어간다.) 드디어1972 년 미주리대학교 저널리즘스쿨의 교수가 된다.
현금50 달러로 시작한 7년간의 인고의 유학생활은 장박사의 특유의 긍정적사고, 남다른 노력, 체력, 재치와 애정으로 점철되어 있다. 그의 교수생활은 조국과 후학들을 위한 사랑으로 이어진다. 미국에서 언론학의 최고봉으로 알려진 미조리대학 저널리즘스쿨의 교수로서 그는 그의 위치를 최대한 활용, 한국 언론계와 언론학계에 엄청난 기여를 하게 된다. 주요 언론사의 기자들과 언론학 지망생들에게 선진 미국언론을 배우게 한 그의 노력이 동자서전을 통해서 자세하게 드러나 있다. 그는 이밖에도 중국 언론계에도 엄청난 도움을 준다.
자서전을 읽고 있노라면, 충청도 농촌출신의 촌사람의 특유의 소탈함과 보통사람으로서의 파격적인 대인관계가 무엇보다도 감동으로 적셔온다. 그는 각종스포츠, 대중음악, 서민적인 오락과 잡기에 특출할 정도로 능하다. 골프실력은 지금도 싱글이다. 그는 평범한 일상을 통해 그의 장기를 지칠줄 모르게 쏟으면서 후배들과의 자연스런 인간관계를 맺는다. 그의 그런 삶이 스승으로서 선배로서 산교육이 되었음은 물론이며 자서전이 이를 보여준다. 이제 팔순의 나이지만, 그에게는 휴식이 없다. 13년 전 은퇴하여 남가주 라구나 우즈 빌리지에서 한인은퇴자들로 구성된 한인 커뮤니티 멤버로 살면서, 한인회장, 남성 골프회 재무이사, 동지역의 은퇴인 6,102 가구를 관장하는 이사회 이사로서, 수석부회장, 지역사회재개발위원장, 조경관리위원자장을 역임하면서 보람찬 삶을 이어가고 있다. 특이 요즈음 그가 펴내고 있는 세계 각국의 여행기는 은퇴후의 노년의 행복한 생활을 즐기는 다양한 방법을 알려준다.
자서전 마무리에서 장박사는 이렇게 말한다. “좀 늦기는 했지만, 가족과 친구를 챙기는 것이 남은 인생의 목표”라고하면서, 선각자들의 깨달음에 대해얘기 한다. “깨달음이 뭔가 특별한 경험이나 대단한 능력을 가지게 되는 것이라고 착각하지만, 그 깨달음은 뭔가 없었던 것을 새로 얻는 것이 아니라 우리가 항상 가지고 있는 본성을 재발견하는 것”이라고 하면서, “많은사람들에게 행복이란 현재의 삶과는 뭔가 다른 새롭고 특별한 것을 성취하는 것으로 여기는 수가 많다” “그래서 지금이 늘 불만족스럽고, 더 좋은 것, 더 새로운 것, 더 나아보이는 것을 찾고 싶어서 마음이 바쁘다.” “그런데 우리가 사랑하는 가족과 함께 여행을 해보면 알겠지만 정말로 소중한 것은 그리 멀리 있지 않다.”는 것이다. 더불어, 그는 자기인생을 ‘운칠노삼’(運七勞三, 운수7, 노력3)이라고 겸손해 한다. “단돈50 달러를 가지고 이국에 와서 좋은 교육, 자랑스러운 커리어, 잘나가는 자식들, 많은 친구들, 그리고 내 분수에 맞는 은퇴생활, 이 모든 일들을 누리고 있으니, 이는 운이 없이는 상상도 못 할 일들이다.”는 것, 하지만, 그의 자서전을 정독하면, 그의 인생은 “운칠노삼”이 아니라“노칠운삼”임을 금방 알 수 있다. 그는 치열하게 인생을 살았다. 그에게 기립박수를 보낸다. 일반서적사이즈 264 페이지에 담은 그의자서전 <오십달러미국유학>은Amazon.com에서 펴냈고, 동Amazon.com에서$9.00에 구입 할 수 있다. <이계송 발행인>
오십 달러 미국유학 (소개)
오십 달러 미국유학(ISBN# 978-1518790478:은 ‘현장기자형 언론학자‘ 장원호 미주리대학교 석좌교수의 자서전이다. 저자가 전쟁 후의 한국에서 50 달러를 갖고 미국으로 유학, 50년 동안 살아 온 대장정기이며, 저자의 팔순을 맞아 후손에게 증정하는 생생한 삶의 기록이다.
그는 배를 타고 태평양을 건너 미국에 도착, 묘목농장 일꾼, 백화점 청소부, 도박장 종업원 같은 잡일을 하면서 언론학 학사, 석사, 박사를 6년만에 마쳤다.
1972년 박사학위를 받고 ‘언론학의 메카’라고 불리는 미주리 언론대학의 첫번째 외국인 교수로 출발, 대학원 및 연구담당 부학장(1991), 맥칸타이어 석좌교수(1992), 스티븐슨 연구소 소장(1996-2000)을 역임하고 2000년도에 은퇴했다. 은퇴 후 한국 아주대학교에서 석좌교수로 3년을 지내고 지금은 은퇴인으로 여행과 여행기를 쓰는 일을 계속하고 있다.
미주리 대학교 교수로서 1979년 중국개방과 함께 창설된 Edgar Snow Program 주임교수를 맡아 중국 언론인 양성을 시작, 한국 언론학자와 언론인 연수에 전념하였다. 박사 지도학생 31 명 중 한국인이 19명, 그들이 한국 언론학계의 중추적 역할을 하는데 기여했다. 석사 지도학생 100여명 중에도 한국학생이 절반 이상이다. 특히 미주리 대학에 연수를 마친 한국 언론인은 200여명에 이른다.
책의 구성은 1편; 고학하는 유학생, 2편; 미국에서 보람 찾는 언론학 교수, 3편; 미국 가기 전의 기록, 4편; 삶의 뜻을 찾는 은퇴인 등으로 총 270편의 현장 기록을 엮었다. Amazon,com 에서 $9.00로 판매 중이다.
장원호 개인 홈 페이지 재 활용 (0) | 2016.01.31 |
Destiny of a Running Horse (0) | 2011.03.08 |
"Dear Children" by Distribution (2) | 2010.02.28 |
그동안 여러가지 사정으로 이 페이지를 사용하지 않았습니다.
2016년을 맞아서 다시 시작 하려고 합니다.
그 동안 찾아 주신 친지에게 감사드리며 spam 수백개를 정리 했습니다
장원호 드림
오십 달러 미국 유학 출간 에서 판매중 (0) | 2016.03.17 |
Destiny of a Running Horse (0) | 2011.03.08 |
"Dear Children" by Distribution (2) | 2010.02.28 |
여행 이야기(Traveling Story)
장원호 지음/
미국 미주리대 명예교수 장원호(張元鎬) 박사의 세계 여행기. 미주리대 언론대학원을 은퇴한 뒤 10여 년 동안 전 세계를 여행하며 얻은 지식과 감상을 친구에게 속삭이듯, 글과 사진으로 묶어냈다. 그는 30여 년의 언론학 교수생활을 열정적으로 수행한 뒤, “여행하면서 글을 쓰고 싶어” 마음먹고 이른 은퇴를 결행했다.
전직 언론학 교수는 남미 북미 대륙을 비롯하여, 서양문명의 요람 그리스와 오토만제국의 후예 터키, 동유럽까지, 여러 여행지를 마음먹고 주유한다. 한국이 그의 조국인 만큼, ‘자랑스러운 나의 조국’편도 들어있다. 그 과정에서, 기본적으로 인문 사회학적 자료공부를 하고, 그 바탕에서 현장의 느낌을 섬세한 글과 생생한 사진으로 묘사해 낸 것이다.
장 박사는 머리말에서 말한다, 여행에 관한 책은 많다고. 그러나 장 박사의 여행 이야기는 여러모로 색다르다. “여행은 삶의 공부”라는 것이다. 자연의 경이를 보았다는 사실만으론 여행의 가치가 없고, 가는 곳의 역사와 자연과 환경을 연구해야 한다고 강조한다. 그는 “여행지의 역사적 사실과 자연을 보면서 우리의 삶과 연결시키려 노력하며 여행의 보람을 찾는다." 고 덧붙인다.
따라서 ‘여행 이야기’는 여행자를 돕는 여행 가이드북이 아니다. 여행하며 보고, 듣고, 생각한 것들을 엮은 이야기책이다. 언론학자로서, 자연과 세상 이야기를 적은 리포트이며, 하나의 여행 기사 같은 것들이다. 장 박사는 은퇴 후, 미국에서 무료출판 온라인 출판사(와 세권의 책 ‘Dear Children’, ‘Destiny of a Running House’, ‘Traveling Stories’를 출판, amazon.com에서 판매하고 있다. ‘여행이야기’는 한글판으로 처음 시도한 출판이다.
여행 이야기 (Traveling Stories in Korea) (ISBN : 979-1489598974 : 흑백 값 $ 6.00 )
여행 이야기 (Colorful Traveling Stories) (ISBN : 978-1490976228 : 컬러 값 $ 28.00)
2022년 5 월 6일에 장원호와 김영숙은 결혼 60주년을 맞이하여 "삶의 보람을 찾아서"를 출간하였다.I (0) | 2023.04.18 |
From Korea to the World published by (2) | 2016.11.21 |
Quality of Life Study: Laguna Woods Village (0) | 2013.08.20 |
Colorful Death Valley (2) | 2013.03.29 |
엄마야 누나야 강변살자 (0) | 2012.07.17 |
Quality of Life Study of the Third Mutual
What can be done to make Laguna Woods Village a better place to live?
The purpose of this study is to develop and monitor indicators of the quality of life experienced by Village residents.
Of the 3,427 questionnaires that were mailed out to residents who were selected
as a sample of the Third Mutual residents during the last week of March, 2013,
1,456 responses were returned by the deadline of April 30, 2013. The return
rate was about 40 percent, and this study resulted in a margin of error of +/-
2.5 percent (at the 95% level of confidence) for questions answered by the
1,456 residents.
The vast majority of residents (96.7%) feel Laguna Woods Village is a good
place to live and agreed that service programs and amenities are good (78.7%).
Demographic Profiles
Average age is 78 year and 3 month old (born in 1912-1929 =31%, 1930-1939=36%, and 1940-1964=33%);
75% live as owner and 25% as renters;
60% female and 40% male;
60% college and more education;
25% under 30k (mode) and 60% under 50k, average is 36,800;
An average year in residence= 5 years, 37% up to 10 years, 60%.
74% came from California;
85% are White Caucasian, Anglo European and 11.5% Asians.
Regarding the Questions 11 to 26 (5 point scales,” How important are the programs to make this Village a better place to live,” The following 5 items are rated as the best 5:
1. Street lights 3.53,
2. Landscape 3.45
3. Better look of building 3.05
4. More parking 2.98
5. Replacing our carports with alternative 2.82
These items are on the list of the priority of the Community Revitalization Committee.
Thinking of your move to Laguna Woods Village, please check the THREE. Factors below which were most important in your decision to move to our Village?
1. Location 942 69.5%
2. Safety from Crime 715 52.7
3. Recreation 709 52.3
How satisfied are you with the following services? (5 point scale)
1. Recreation 4.07
2. Street Maintenance 3.80
3. Security 3.77
4. Building Upkeep 3.61
5. Bus Service 3.59
6. Broadband (TV & Internet) 3.19
#43: The current programs and facilities at our Village are fine and I do not want to increase our monthly assessment for any new or expanded programs, services, or facilities.
Mean=3.46/4 90% agree 10% disagree
#44: Broadband System (Internet and Television including TV6) serves as a vital function of communicating with our residents. I am willing to pay more for upgrading the system.
Mean=2.23/4 61% disagree
#47: Compared to the last community you lived in, would you say that moving to Laguna Woods Village has improved life:
Mean-2.59/4 60% Yes 35% no difference 5% no
#48: How do you feel about the people who live around you? Would you say that they are?
Mean=4.28/5 82% good
#49: How satisfied are you with your neighborhood as a place to live?
Mean=3.62/4 82% yes
#50: All things considered, how do you feel about the Laguna Woods Village as a place to live in?
Mean=3.64/4 97% good
The cross tabulation shows a statistical difference.
Not good at all |
Not very good |
Fairly good |
Very good |
1 .2 |
13 2.8 |
152 32.4 |
303 64.6 |
6 - 10
5 1.6 |
12 3.9 |
67 28.5 |
201 65.9 |
11 -over
1 .2 |
9 1.8 |
135 26.6 |
363 71.5 |
Chi-square=16.9 DF=6 p<.01
#51: How often do you access the Internet?
74% daily 9% weekly 17% No
Never |
Once a week |
Every day |
1 - 5 # % |
44 9.3 |
31 6.6 |
397 84.1 |
6 - 10
44 14.5 |
21 6.9 |
239 78.6 |
11 - over
129 25.5 |
64 12.6 |
313 61.9 |
Chi-square=68.6 DF=4 p<.001
From Korea to the World published by (2) | 2016.11.21 |
"여행 이야기" 소개 (0) | 2013.08.20 |
Colorful Death Valley (2) | 2013.03.29 |
엄마야 누나야 강변살자 (0) | 2012.07.17 |
main (0) | 2009.08.17 |
장 원호 Won Ho Chang
Address: 4010-2B Calle Sonora Oeste, Laguna Woods, CA 92637-3219
Phones: 949 458 3831 949 636 8865(cell)
1961. 3. 21 |
BA in Political Science, Korea
University |
1968.6.5 |
BA in Journalism, University of Oregon |
1970.1.20 |
MA in Journalism, University of Southern California |
1972.5.10 |
Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Iowa | ||
2011-2014 |
Director, Board of the Third Laguna Hills Mutual |
2005-2007 |
President, Korean-American Club, Laguna Woods Village |
2005-2007 |
Treasurer, Laguna Woods Village Men’s Golf Club |
2001-2003 |
Distinguished Chair Professor,
Ajou University |
1987-1988 |
Fulbright Professor to Korea University [훌브라이트 교수] |
1980-1981 |
Visiting Professor, Korea
University and Sophia University |
1972-1977 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Assistant Professor [조교수] |
1977-1982 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Associate Professor [부교수] |
1982-2000 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Professor [교수] |
1996-1997 |
President, International
Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity |
1992-2004 |
Director of William Stephenson Research Center [스티븐슨 연구소 소장] |
1992.8 |
O.O. McIntyre Distinguished Professor [맥칸타이어 석좌교수] |
1991-1992 |
Associate Dean for Research andGraduate Studies |
1995-1998 |
Chair, Advertising Department [광고학과 학과장] |
1983-1986 |
President, Korean American Communication Association [한미 언론 학회 회장] |
1983-1987 |
Director, Journalism Computer Center [언론 컴퓨터 센터 소장] |
1963-1966 |
Administrative Officer, United
Nations Special Project in Korea |
1961-1963 |
Associate Manager, Personnel Department, Office of Rural Development |
Traveling Stories, Createspace, 2013 |
Destiny of a Running Horse, Createspace, 2011 |
Dear Children: Letters from a Journalism Professor, Createspace, 2009 |
은퇴 없는 은퇴 [Retirement without retiring], PageOne, CR Group, 2008 |
새로운 청년을 위하여, 중앙 M&B, 2000 |
미국을 넘으면 한국이 보인다[What Koreans Can Learn from american Experience], 도서출판 이채, 1998 |
미국신문의 위기와 이해 [The Crisis and Challenge of American Newspapers], 나남출판, 1998 |
The Rise of Asian Advertising (with Teddy Palasthira and Hung Kyu Kim), Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
장박사와 미주리 언론마피아 [Dr. Chang and Missouri Journalism Mafia], Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
하이! 닥터 장 [Hi! Dr. Chang], 벽호출팜, 1997. |
Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol. 1-Vol. 12, Sungkok Journalism Foundation, 1990-2002. |
Mass Media in China: Its History and Future, Iowa State University Press: Ames, Iowa, 1989. |
激變하는 新中國 [Rapidly Changing China], 시사영어사, 1989. |
Mass Communication and Korea:Toward a Global Perspective for Research, SKJ Foundation, 1988 |
Codes--The Ethical Free-For-All, Freedom of Information Center and American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), March 1977. |
노동신문에 나타난 쏘련[The Image of Soviet Union in the Nodong Shinmun], 한국외국어 대학교 출판부, 1981. |
"Characteristics of Women's Page Editors," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1975. |
"A Typology Study of Movie Critics," Journalism Quarterly, Winter 1975. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," Resources in Educahon, January 1975. |
"Communication and Acculturation," In H. Kim (Editor), The Korean Diaspora: Historical and Sociological Studies of Korean Immigration and Assimilation in North America. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio, Inc., 1977. |
"What Interests You Most About Journalism: A Thematic Content Aoalysis," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], December, 1980. |
"Unification Issues in Two Korean Newspapers", Journalism Quarterly, Winter, 1981. |
"Vertical Integration of Mass Media in Japan," Gazette (International Journal of the Science of the Press), Vol. 27, No.3, 1981. |
"Network Television Coverage of International News," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], Vol.18, October1, 1984. |
"Yonhap News Agency: Gatekeeper of International News in Korea," Korean Studies (University of Hawaii Press), Vol. 8, June, 1985. |
"American Foreign Policy and the Press: A Study of American Newspapers' Coverage of Korean News," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol 63, June, 1986 |
"China Daily: A New Voice in a New China," The Journal of Asiatic Research, July 1988 (Co-authored with Jane Clark) |
"Korean Students and Anti-American Attitudes: A Q-Methodological Study," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 67, June, 1989. |
"Image of Soviet Union in American Newspapers: A Content Analysis Three Newspapers," Is the Cold War Over? edited by Everette E. Dennis, George Gerbaer, Yassen N. Zassoursky, Sage Publications, 1991. |
"Global Journalism," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 3, 1992. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol.5, 1994 |
"Global Information Network," International Communications in North-East Asia, edited by Hyeon-Dew Kang, Nanam Publishing House, 1994. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 7, 1996. |
"통신 위성개발과 개발도상국," 한국외국 어대학보, 1981 봄. |
"새 세계 정보질서," 신문연구, 1984 봄. |
"컴퓨터와 신문," 컴퓨터 비죤, 1984년 7월. |
"한국 TV 토론 푸로그램," 방송연구, 1987년 10월. |
"문화혁면후의 중국 매쓰미디어," 韓國人, 1987년 10월. |
"민주주의의 선거 여론 조사," 동아일보, 1987년 10월 6일. |
"미국 언론의 새로운 경향," 新聞硏究, 1987년 11월. |
"위험제도와 선거운동," 중앙일보 1987년 12월 9일. |
"중국사회의 변화," 韓國人, 1988년 10월. |
"중국의 한국인과 한국언론," 월간조선, 1988년 3월. |
"중국의 사회경제 개발," 동아일보, 1988년 7월 11-13일. |
"쏘련붕괴와 미국언론," 新聞硏究, 1991년 11월. |
"재미 한인신문," 미국의 한국인, 민병갑편저, 서울 유림문화사, 1991, pp.280-296. |
"새로운기술과 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 2월. |
"데이타 베이스와 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 6월. |
"디지탈 미디어와 신문," 신문과방송, 1993년 8월. |
"정보혁명과 21세기," 한국문화와 21세기, 서울 나남출판, 1996. |
"여름 바캉스 시즌 반짝 섹션 성공: 미국신문의 섹션견쟁 사례," 신문과 방송, 1997년 6월. |
"미국신문의 위기와 장래," 新聞硏究, 1997년 여름 |
"Communication and Acculturation: A Study of Ethnic Groups in Los Angeles," presented at the 1972 Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism (AEJ) at Carbondale, Illinois, August 21 -23, 1972. |
"Complex Communication System and Social Change," presented at the 1973 International Communication Association (ICA) at Montreal, Canada; April 21-24, 1973. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Woman's Page Editors: Self Perceived Status," Presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Myth of Democracy: From a Communication Perspective," presented at the 1974 Mid-Western Conference on Asian Affairs at Lawrence, Kansas; November 1-2, 1974. |
"Freedom of the Press in Korea," an invitation paper to speak at the 9th Korean Christian Scholars Conference at Dallas, Texas; March 22-25, 1975. |
"Communication and Political Socialization," presented at the Joint Conference of Korean Political Science Association and American Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea; June 7-12, 1975. |
"Freebies Achille's Heel of Journalism Ethics," Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism. March, 1979. Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Co-authored with Keith P. Sanders. |
"Unification Issues in Korea: A Content Analysis of Dong-A Ilbo and Nodong Sinmum," presented at the Third Joint Conference of the Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea, June 18-20, 1979. |
"Future of the Journalism Education in America," presented at the Annual Convention of the Korean Journalism Association at Chungpyung, Korea, August 7-10, 1980. |
"How to Use Two Extra Pages: For the Benefit of the Readers," Presented to A Special Panel Discussion with Editorial Staff of Joongang Ilbo, December 20, 1980. |
"Mass Media and National Development: National Level Analysis," presented at the 1984 Internationa1 Communication Association (ICA) convention, May 24-28, Hilton Hotel in San Francisco, California. |
"Computer and New Technology in Mass Media," a special lecture for the Korea Press Institute in Korea, June 19, 1984. |
"Computer Graphic and Animation in Television," a special lecture for the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), June 27, 1984. |
"Community Newspaper in America," a guest lecture for the annual Convention of the Korean Newspaper Publishers Association, June 27-28, Sokri-Mountain Hotel in Korea. |
"Television Networks and International News," presented to the 1984 convention ofthe Korean Journalism Association, June 30-July l, 1984, Chunchon Tourist Hotel, in Chunchon, Korea. |
"Pragmatism as a Way of American Life," presented to the International Seminar of the Daewoo Foundation, July 2-4, 1984, Hilton Hotel In Seoul, Korea. |
"Computer and New Technology in Newspaper," a special lecture for the staff of the Korea Economic News, July 5, 1984. |
"Agricultural Journalism in America," for the staff of the Farmer's News in Korea, July 19, 1984. |
"Computer and Newspaper Production," a special lecture for the staff of the Chosun Daily News, July 20, 1984 |
"Delivery Problem in American Newspapers," for a special lecture for the meeting of the Korean Newspaper Sales Managers Association, July 25, 1984. |
"Gatekeeping Control of International News: A Case Study of Yonhap News Agency in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"Typology Study of Attitudes Toward Crime News in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"Journalistic Ethics in Korea," presented to the Mini-Conference on International Communication and Ethics at University of Missouri, April 20-22, 1990. |
"Future of Advertising in the Pacific Rim," An invited speech to the International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary of the China Daily, Grand Hotel-Beijing, June 1, 1991. |
"FutureofNewspaperIndustry," Special lecture to the Graduate School of the Korea University, June 11,1991. |
"Global Information Network: Cooperative Perspectives for Broadcasting in Northeast Asian Countries," Presented at the international symposium on Changing International Order in North-East Asia and Communication Policies at Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea, April 7-9, 1992. |
"Cooperative Steps Toward Planetary Journalism," presented at the 14th International Conference of the International Peace Research Association in Kyoto, Japan, July 27-31, 1992. |
"Future of Newspaper Industry in the United States," The 1st International Conference on Mass Media and the Future Society, Korea University, June 4, 1993. |
"New Communication Technology and Mass Media," a special lecture for the All China Journalists Association in Beijing China, June 9, 1993. |
"Future of Advertising in the United States," a speical lecture for the graduate school of mass communication, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, May 24, 1994. |
"Journalism and Journalism Education for the 21th Century," a special lecture for Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea, May 27, 1994. |
"Newspaper for the 21th Century," a lecture for Wonkwang University, Chonju, Korea, June 9, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," presented at the 19th IAMCR Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 3-3, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News: A Content Analysis of Three Network News," presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the IA in Sydney, Australia, July 11-15, 1994. |
"Multimedia and Journalism," a special speech for the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Sungkok Journalism Foundation, Dragon Valley, Korea, September 16, 1995. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" presented at the 3rd Truman Conference at the President Hotel, Seoul, Korea on October 11, 1996. |
"What Koreans can Learn from American Experience: Mass Media and Society," keynote speech for the International Conference on "New Horizons for Local Media in the 21st Century," Chonnam National University in Kwangju, Korea on November 22, 1996. |
"World's Quality Papers and Korean Press," the first International Journalism Workshop, organized by The Munhwa Ilbo, Seoul, Korea on November 25, 1996 |
"University/College Newspapers in America," Keynote Speech to a special seminar for the 50th anniversary celebration of Korea University Press, Koreana Hotel, November 3, 1997. |
장원호 [Won Ho Chang] 교수는 (2) | 2013.03.31 |
2013 이력서 (0) | 2013.03.31 |
Profile - Won ho Chang (1) | 2009.08.17 |
Won Ho Chang was born in Korea, educated in Seoul, and worked for a United Nations project for three years before being selected for a national scholarship to study in the United States in 1966. Won arrived at the University of Oregon for his BA in Journalism when he was 28, completed his degree in two years, moved on for his MA degree in Journalism at the University of Southern California, and received his doctoral degree at the University of Iowa in 1972.
He started his teaching career at the University of Missouri School of Journalism in 1972, was honored as the McIntire Distinguished Chair Professor, worked as a department chair, director of the Stephenson Research Center, and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. During his career, he supervised 33 doctoral dissertations, wrote 18 books, spearheaded the use of word processing in printing newspapers, helped to establish the China Daily in 1981, and helped motivate young journalists in United States, and all over the world. He retired from the University of Missouri after 33 years of service, and moved to Laguna Woods Village in Southern California in 2004. He now is an elected director of the Third Laguna Hills Mutual Board, where he chairs of Landscape and Community Revitalization committees.
2013 RESUME (0) | 2013.04.01 |
2013 이력서 (0) | 2013.03.31 |
Profile - Won ho Chang (1) | 2009.08.17 |
Korean : 장 원 호 Chinese : 張 元 鎬 English : Won Ho Chang |
Title |
Professor-Emeritus, School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 |
Telephones |
949-458-3831, 949-636-8865 (Cell) |
E-Mails | / |
Addresses |
4010-2B Calle Sonora Oeste, Laguna Woods, California 92637-3292 |
Educational Degrees |
1961. 3. 21 |
BA in Political Science, Korea
University |
1968.6.5 |
BA in Journalism, University of Oregon |
1970.1.20 |
MA in Journalism, University of Southern California |
1972.5.10 |
Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Iowa |
Appointments |
2011-2014 |
Director, Board of the Third Laguna Hills Mutual |
2005-2007 |
President, Korean-American Club, Laguna Woods Village |
2005-2007 |
Treasurer, Laguna Woods Village Men’s Golf Club |
2001-2003 |
Distinguished Chair Professor,
Ajou University |
1987-1988 |
Fulbright Professor to Korea University [훌브라이트 교수] |
1980-1981 |
Visiting Professor, Korea
University and Sophia University |
1972-1977 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Assistant Professor [조교수] |
1977-1982 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Associate Professor [부교수] |
1982-2000 |
University of Missouri-Columbia, Professor [교수] |
1996-1997 |
President, International Society
for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity |
1992-현재 |
Director of William Stephenson Research Center [스티븐슨 연구소 소장] |
1992.8 |
O.O. McIntyre Distinguished Professor [맥칸타이어 석좌교수] |
1991-1992 |
Associate Dean for Research
and Graduate Studies |
1995-1998 |
Chair, Advertising Department [광고학과 학과장] |
1983-1986 |
President, Korean American
Communication Association |
1983-1987 |
Director, Journalism Computer Center [언론 컴퓨터 센터 소장] |
1963-1966 |
Administrative Officer, United
Nations Special Project in Korea |
1961-1963 |
Associate Manager, Personnel Department, Office of Rural Development [농촌진흥청 인사담당 행정주사] |
Publications [연구 실적] |
새로운 청년을 위하여 [An American journey of A Korean-American Journalism Professor], 중앙 M&B, 2000 |
미국을 넘으면 한국이 보인다[What Koreans Can Learn from american Experience], 도서출판 이채, 1998 |
미국신문의 위기와 이해 [The Crisis and Challenge of American Newspapers], 나남출판, 1998 |
The Rise of Asian Advertising (with Teddy Palasthira and Hung Kyu Kim), Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
장박사와 미주리 언론마피아 [Dr. Chang and Missouri Journalism Mafia], Nanam: Seoul, Korea, 1995. |
하이! 닥터 장 [Hi! Dr. Chang], 벽호출팜, 1997. |
하이! 닥터 장 [Hi! Dr. Chang], 벽호출팜, 1997. |
Mass Media in China: Its History and Future, Iowa State University Press: Ames, Iowa, 1989. |
激變하는 新中國 [Rapidly Changing China], 시사영어사, 1989. |
Editor, Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol. 1-Vol. 12, Sungkok Journalism Foundat ion, 1990-2002. |
Codes--The Ethical Free-For-All, Freedom of Information Center and American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), March 1977. |
노동신문에 나타난 쏘련[The Image of Soviet Union in the Nodong Shinmun], 한국외국어 대학교 출판부, 1981. |
TV와 정치[Television and Politics in Korea], 한국방송공사, 1988. |
"Characteristics of Women's Page Editors," Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1975. |
"A Typology Study of Movie Critics," Journalism Quarterly, Winter 1975. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," Resources in Educahon, January 1975. |
"Communication and Acculturation," In H. Kim (Editor), The Korean Diaspora: Historical and Sociological Studies of Korean Immigration and Assimilation in North America. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio, Inc., 1977. |
"What Interests You Most About Journalism: A Thematic Content Aoalysis," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], December, 1980. |
"Unification Issues in Two Korean Newspapers", Journalism Quarterly, Winter, 1981. |
"Vertical Integration of Mass Media in Japan," Gazette (International Journal of the Science of the Press), Vol. 27, No.3, 1981. |
"Network Television Coverage of International News," 新聞學報 [Journalism Report], Vol.18, October1, 1984. |
"Yonhap News Agency: Gatekeeper of International News in Korea," Korean Studies (University of Hawaii Press), Vol. 8, June, 1985. |
"American Foreign Policy and the Press: A Study of American Newspapers' Coverage of Korean News," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol 63, June, 1986 |
"China Daily: A New Voice in a New China," The Journal of Asiatic Research, July 1988 (Co-authored with Jane Clark) |
"Korean Students and Anti-American Attitudes: A Q-Methodological Study," Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 67, June, 1989. |
"Image of Soviet Union in American Newspapers: A Content Analysis Three Newspapers," Is the Cold War Over? edited by Everette E. Dennis, George Gerbaer, Yassen N. Zassoursky, Sage Publications, 1991. |
"Global Journalism," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 3, 1992. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol.5, 1994 |
"Global Information Network," International Communications in North-East Asia, edited by Hyeon-Dew Kang, Nanam Publishing House, 1994. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol 7, 1996. |
"통신 위성개발과 개발도상국," 한국외국 어대학보, 1981 봄. |
"새 세계 정보질서," 신문연구, 1984 봄. |
"컴퓨터와 신문," 컴퓨터 비죤, 1984년 7월. |
"한국 TV 토론 푸로그램," 방송연구, 1987년 10월. |
"문화혁면후의 중국 매쓰미디어," 韓國人, 1987년 10월. |
"민주주의의 선거 여론 조사," 동아일보, 1987년 10월 6일. |
"미국 언론의 새로운 경향," 新聞硏究, 1987년 11월. |
"위험제도와 선거운동," 중앙일보 1987년 12월 9일. |
"중국사회의 변화," 韓國人, 1988년 10월. |
"중국의 한국인과 한국언론," 월간조선, 1988년 3월. |
"중국의 사회경제 개발," 동아일보, 1988년 7월 11-13일. |
"쏘련붕괴와 미국언론," 新聞硏究, 1991년 11월. |
"재미 한인신문," 미국의 한국인, 민병갑편저, 서울 유림문화사, 1991, pp.280-296. |
"새로운기술과 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 2월. |
"데이타 베이스와 신문산업," 신문과방송, 1992년 6월. |
"디지탈 미디어와 신문," 신문과방송, 1993년 8월. |
"정보혁명과 21세기," 한국문화와 21세기, 서울 나남출판, 1996. |
"여름 바캉스 시즌 반짝 섹션 성공: 미국신문의 섹션견쟁 사례," 신문과 방송, 1997년 6월. |
"미국신문의 위기와 장래," 新聞硏究, 1997년 여름 |
"Communication and Acculturation: A Study of Ethnic Groups in Los Angeles," presented at the 1972 Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism (AEJ) at Carbondale, Illinois, August 21 -23, 1972. |
"Complex Communication System and Social Change," presented at the 1973 International Communication Association (ICA) at Montreal, Canada; April 21-24, 1973. |
"Mass Communication and Acculturation," presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Woman's Page Editors: Self Perceived Status," Presented at the 1974 AEJ Convention at San Diego, California; August 18-21, 1974. |
"Myth of Democracy: From a Communication Perspective," presented at the 1974 Mid-Western Conference on Asian Affairs at Lawrence, Kansas; November 1-2, 1974. |
"Freedom of the Press in Korea," an invitation paper to speak at the 9th Korean Christian Scholars Conference at Dallas, Texas; March 22-25, 1975. |
"Communication and Political Socialization," presented at the Joint Conference of Korean Political Science Association and American Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea; June 7-12, 1975. |
"Freebies Achille's Heel of Journalism Ethics," Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism. March, 1979. Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Co-authored with Keith P. Sanders. |
"Unification Issues in Korea: A Content Analysis of Dong-A Ilbo and Nodong Sinmum," presented at the Third Joint Conference of the Korean Political Science Association at Seoul, Korea, June 18-20, 1979. |
"Future of the Journalism Education in America," presented at the Annual Convention of the Korean Journalism Association at Chungpyung, Korea, August 7-10, 1980. |
"How to Use Two Extra Pages: For the Benefit of the Readers," Presented to A Special Panel Discussion with Editorial Staff of Joongang Ilbo, December 20, 1980. |
"Mass Media and National Development: National Level Analysis," presented at the 1984 Internationa1 Communication Association (ICA) convention, May 24-28, Hilton Hotel in San Francisco, California. |
"Computer and New Technology in Mass Media," a special lecture for the Korea Press Institute in Korea, June 19, 1984. |
"Computer Graphic and Animation in Television," a special lecture for the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), June 27, 1984. |
"Community Newspaper in America," a guest lecture for the annual Convention of the Korean Newspaper Publishers Association, June 27-28, Sokri-Mountain Hotel in Korea. |
"Television Networks and International News," presented to the 1984 convention ofthe Korean Journalism Association, June 30-July l, 1984, Chunchon Tourist Hotel, in Chunchon, Korea. |
"Pragmatism as a Way of American Life," presented to the International Seminar of the Daewoo Foundation, July 2-4, 1984, Hilton Hotel In Seoul, Korea. |
"Computer and New Technology in Newspaper," a special lecture for the staff of the Korea Economic News, July 5, 1984. |
"Agricultural Journalism in America," for the staff of the Farmer's News in Korea, July 19, 1984. |
"Computer and Newspaper Production," a special lecture for the staff of the Chosun Daily News, July 20, 1984 |
"Delivery Problem in American Newspapers," for a special lecture for the meeting of the Korean Newspaper Sales Managers Association, July 25, 1984. |
"Gatekeeping Control of International News: A Case Study of Yonhap News Agency in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"Typology Study of Attitudes Toward Crime News in Korea," presented at the 1985 ICA Convention in Hawaii, May 23-27, 1985. |
"The Press in China," a speech delivered to a Korea University alumni meeting on September 24, 1987. |
I was on a special panel for the KBS program "Friday Debate" concerning "the Presidential Election and TV Debate," on October 16, 1987. |
"The Koreans and Korean Newspapers in China," a special lecture delivered to the public under the sponsorship of the Korean Cultural Research Center of Korea University on October 24, 1987. |
I was invited to be a special panel member for a workshop on "the 1988 Olympics and Television," held in Yusong, Korea for three days, October 28-30, 1987. |
"Equality and Economic Development in China," a special speech delivered to a meeting of the national Business Owners Association on November 10, 1987. |
"Political Broadcasting and Fair Reporting," a special lecture for a group of reporters of the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) on November 11, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korean Language Newspapers," a special lecture for students of Kaemyung University in Daegu, Korea on November 12, 1987. |
"The Changing Pattern ofthe ChinesePress," a special lecture for graduate students of ChungnamUniversity in Daejun, Korea on November 17, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korean Language Newspapers," a special lecture for a class of mayors class at the National Training Center for Provincial Government Employees on November 23, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korea Language Newspapers," a special lecture f or students of Chun-nam National University in Kwangju on November 27, 1987. |
"Korean Immigrants and Korea Language Newspapers," a speech to the meeting of the Korean Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society at the President Hotel on March 23, 1988. |
"Social Control of Information in America," a speech to the meeting of the American Studies Association of Korea on March 31, 1988. |
"Image of Koreans in the American Media," a speech to a USIS seminar in Kwangju, Korea on April 15,1988. |
"Current trends of Mass Media Research in the United States," a speech to the annual meeting of the University of Missouri Alumni in Japan on April 30, 1988. |
"Alternative Newspapers in the United States," a speech to a USIS seminar inTaegu, Korea on May 4, 1988. |
"Computer Application for Newspapers," a speech toThe Kookmin Daily News on August 5, 1988. |
"Computer and Newspaper: System Design," Keynote speech to the Seoul Press Foundation Seminar at Dragon Valley Hotel, July 7-10, 1989. |
"Media Reform in Korea," (Co-authored with Young-Khee Kim) presented to the Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies at the California State University at Long Beach, California, October, 1989) |
"Press and National Interest," presented at the 4th International Conference of ISSSS at University of Missouri, October, 1989. |
"Journalistic Ethics in Korea," presented to the Mini-Conference on International Communication and Ethics at University of Missouri, April 20-22, 1990. |
"Future of Advertising in the Pacific Rim," An invited speech to the International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary of the China Daily, Grand Hotel-Beijing, June 1, 1991. |
"FutureofNewspaperIndustry," Special lecture to the Graduate School of the Korea University, June 11,1991. |
"Global Information Network: Cooperative Perspectives for Broadcasting in Northeast Asian Countries," Presented at the international symposium on Changing International Order in North-East Asia and Communication Policies at Hotel Shilla, Seoul, Korea, April 7-9, 1992. |
"Cooperative Steps Toward Planetary Journalism," presented at the 14th International Conference of the International Peace Research Association in Kyoto, Japan, July 27-31, 1992. |
"Future of Newspaper Industry in the United States," The 1st International Conference on Mass Media and the Future Society, Korea University, June 4, 1993. |
"New Communication Technology and Mass Media," a special lecture for the All China Journalists Association in Beijing China, June 9, 1993. |
"Future of Advertising in the United States," a speical lecture for the graduate school of mass communication, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, May 24, 1994. |
"Journalism and Journalism Education for the 21th Century," a special lecture for Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea, May 27, 1994. |
"Newspaper for the 21th Century," a lecture for Wonkwang University, Chonju, Korea, June 9, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News," presented at the 19th IAMCR Conference in Seoul, Korea, July 3-3, 1994. |
"Image of North Korea in American Television News: A Content Analysis of Three Network News," presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the IA in Sydney, Australia, July 11-15, 1994. |
"Multimedia and Journalism," a special speech for the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Sungkok Journalism Foundation, Dragon Valley, Korea, September 16, 1995. |
"Why the American Press Does Not Report What the Korean Public Likes?" presented at the 3rd Truman Conference at the President Hotel, Seoul, Korea on October 11, 1996. |
"What Koreans can Learn from American Experience: Mass Media and Society," keynote speech for the International Conference on "New Horizons for Local Media in the 21st Century," Chonnam National University in Kwangju, Korea on November 22, 1996. |
"World's Quality Papers and Korean Press," the first International Journalism Workshop, organized by The Munhwa Ilbo, Seoul, Korea on November 25, 1996 |
"University/College Newspapers in America," Keynote Speech to a special seminar for the 50th anniversary celebration of Korea University Press, Koreana Hotel, November 3, 1997. |
Ph.D. Dissertations [박사 지도논문] |
Jyoti P. Dutta, "Mass Communication and NationalDevelopment : A Case Study of Bangladesh," August 1980. |
Michael E. Abrams, "Religious Broadcasting: A Q-Methodological Study of Elderly Audiences," May 1981 |
Murilo Ramos, "Ideology of the News : Images of the Working Class in Brazilian Newspapers," December 1981 |
William James Willis, "Leadership in the Newsroom : The Editor as a People Manager," May 1982. |
Yong Sang Park, "Freedom of the Press:A Q-Methodological Study," August 1983. |
Jeong-Tak Kim, "Communication and Alienation," December 1984. |
Hung Kyu Kim, "Crime News in Korea: An Attitudinal Study," May 1984. |
Ven-Hwei Lo, "Scientific Method as a Journalistic Tool : A Q-Methodological Study," May 1985 |
Shubua Chang, "Communication and National Integration : A Content Analysis of Chinese Newspapers," December 1985. |
William A. Mulligan, "Journalism Revolution in China," December 1985. |
Seung Hyun Kim, "Information Flow : A Critical Approach from a World-System Perspective," May 1986. |
Jung-Ho Han, " Segmentation of Readers' Perceptions of a Newspaper's Self-Advertising Messages : Cognitive and Affective Levels of Attitudes," May 1987 . |
Sang Won Lim, "Ideology and International Information Flow : A Q-Methodological Study," July 1987. |
Suk-Hong Yoon, "National Interest and Press : A Q-Methodological Study," July 1987. |
Man-Soo Chung, "Consumer Information-Seeking Behavior and Magazine Advertisements : A Case Study of Automobile Advertising," May 1988 |
Tae Chul Jung, "The Media, Social Conflict and Change in South Korea: A Critical Analysis," December 1988. |
Girl-Jin Chung, "Attitudes toward Advertising : A Q-Methodological Study of Consumers and Advertising Practioners in Korea," May, 1990. |
Byung Dong Woo, "President Nixon and the Washington Post : A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Watergate Affair," May, 1991. |
Young-Khee Kim, "Mass Media, Environment and Social Movement : A Q-methodological Study," December, 1991. |
Min-Kyu Lee, "Personal Computers and Newspaper Journalists : An Application of Reasoned Action Theory," December, 1992. |
Byung Soo Lee, "Power and Knowledge : Newspapers' Coverage of the Steel Strike of 1919-20," May 1993. |
Richard J. Ganahl, "Newspaper Readership and Credibility : An Application of Media Uses and Gratification Theory," May 1994 |
Jong-Chan Kim, "Press and Military in Korea : An attitudinal Study," May, 1995. |
Wenbing Chen, "A Socio-Professional Portrait of the Washington Foreign Correspondents," May, 1995. |
Seung Koo Kang, "The Persuasive Effect of Corporate Image Advertising : A Study of the Advertisements of Automobile Corporations," December, 1995. |
Jane Bess Singer, "Newspaper Journalists' Actions and Attitudes Regarding Interactive Media," May 1996. |
Jiafei Yin, "Selling to the Central Kingdom : A Survey of International Advertisers in China," May, 1997. |
Euntaek Lee, "Journalism, Health and Community : A Q Methodological Study," May 1998. |
Kewen Zhang, "The Computer Network-Based Media and Ethnic Electronic Community," August, 1998. |
Jongmin Park, "Causal Attributions and Expectancy Estimates of Commercial Web Surfers," December, 1999. |
Hun Shik Kim, "Gatekeeping International News: A Q Methodological Study of Television journalists in the United States of America and Korea," May, 2002. |
2013 RESUME (0) | 2013.04.01 |
장원호 [Won Ho Chang] 교수는 (2) | 2013.03.31 |
Profile - Won ho Chang (1) | 2009.08.17 |
When I was told by a group from the Laguna Woods Village that they were organizing a tour to see the autumn foliage in the Death Valley, I wasn’t convinced that such a natural wonder even took place in the desert. I had seen beautifully colored trees on Seorak Mountain in Korea, the Austrian Alps, Algonquin Park in Canada, and the Yale University golf course, but I had never known that such a famous tourist attraction existed in our nearby vicinity.
However, I was told that the fall colors are beautiful in the desert, by a former botanical professor in the village and that the normally green leaves of the various deciduous trees and shrubs in the desert turn to vibrant red and yellows for just a few weeks in the autumn. He explained that leaves are green because of the presence of a pigment known as chlorophyll in their cells during the growing season. In late summer, as daylight hours shorten and temperatures cool, the veins that carry fluids in and out of leaves gradually close up as a layer of special cork cells begins to form at the base of each leaf. As the cork layer thickens, the intake of water and minerals is reduced, causing the leaves to change color.
In light of that information, I decided to join the tour.
Cottonwoods were widely grown for timber along river wetlands or lake banks, where their exceptional growth rate provided a large crop of wood in just 10–30 years. The wood, coarse and of fairly low value, was used for pallet boxes, shipping crates, and for other purposes where a cheap but strong wood was required before plastic became readily available.
I personally started my working career as an administrative officer at Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry right after graduation from Korea University in 1961. As part of my duties, I helped Koreans plant millions of Italian poplars along the riverbanks by special order of General Park Chung-Hee, who had just come to power following a military coup. Koreans used poplar to make chopsticks, matches, and toothpicks.
After driving five hours on Highway 395 and a number of other roads, we finally reached Manzanar, our first stop, to see the most widely known of the ten camps where some 120,000 Japanese-Americans were incarcerated during World War II. Manzanar (which means “apple orchard” in Spanish) is the best-preserved of the former camp sites.
Long before the first group of Japanese-Americans arrived in March 1942, Manzanar was home to Native Americans, who lived in villages near several creeks in the area but abandoned the town by 1929 after the city of Los Angeles purchased the water rights to virtually the entire area. As different as those two groups were, their histories each featured a common thread—that of forced relocation. Since the last of the detainees left in 1945, former detainees and other concerned citizens have worked to preserve Manzanar as a National Historical Site for future generations.
Of the 120,000 people incarcerated under armed guard at Manzanar, two-thirds were American citizens. They had committed no crimes, there were no trials, and there were no convictions. They were simply political detainees, unjustly sentenced to what amounted to an American concentration camp.
After the camp closed, the site was returned to its original state.
All the structures were removed, with the exception of two sentry posts at the entrance, the cemetery monuments, and the former Manzanar High School auditorium, which was purchased by Inyo County. The county then leased the auditorium to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, who used it as a meeting facility and community theater until 1951. After that, the building was used as a maintenance facility by the Inyo County Road Department.
In the visitor’s center, we watched a video that showed former President Ronald Reagan officially proclaim that the 1942 government action had been wrong and declaring that every living detainee would be paid $20,000. As I watched, I wondered why the Japanese government didn’t do such a thing after the inhumane treatment of Korean women during that same war.
The Manzanar site also retains several building foundations, portions of the water and sewer systems, the outline of the road grid, and the remains of landscaping constructed by detainees. The site also retains evidence of the ranches and the town of Manzanar, as well as artifacts from the days of the Owens Valley Paiute settlement.
Convict Lake
I was deep in recalling childhood memories thought about World War II, which I still remember vividly, as we drove another hour from Manzanar to Convict Lake in the Sherwin Range of California’s Sierra Nevada. The lake is well known for its fishing and the dramatic mountains that surround it, including Mount Morrison. Its surface lies at an elevation of 7,850 ft. It was wonderfully picturesque to see the yellow cottonwood leaves and the rugged snow-covered mountains reflected in the water.
The lake was named after an incident that took place September 23, 1871. A group of convicts escaped from prison in Carson City and a posse from Benton, led by Deputy Sheriff George Hightower, encountered them near the headwaters of what is now called Convict Creek. Posse member Robert Morrison, a Benton merchant and Wells Fargo agent, was killed in the ensuing battle. Mt. Morrison was named after him.
Topaz Lake
Topaz Lake is a reservoir located on the California-Nevada border, about seventy-five miles south of Reno. The lake was formed by diverting water from the West Walker River into a nearby basin that had previously contained a smaller natural lake. The initial construction took place in 1922. The levee and reservoir have been owned and operated by the Walker River Irrigation District ever since its construction.
Topaz Lake is popular for boaters, water skiers, campers, and fishermen. Fishing season runs from January 1 to September 30 and the lake is stocked with trout by both Nevada and California. The lake is easily accessible from Highway 395. On the northwest shore of the lake is the Topaz lodge and casino, where we checked in for two nights. We rated the lodge at about three stars, which was fine, since the trip was organized to be fairly inexpensive.
On our second day, we were scheduled to visit Alpine County, known as the Californian Alps, where an annual photography contest is held. We were also set to bathe in the Glover Hot Springs and to drive through Monitor Pass before returning to the lodge. However, there was a heavy snowfall overnight on Monitor Pass, so the itinerary was changed to include a drive to Lake Tahoe, about 100 miles north of the lodge.
Just before we reached Carson City we stopped at Hunan, a Chinese restaurant, to enjoy a buffet lunch in the well-developed town of Gardnerville on Highway 395. Then we continued on to Lake Tahoe where, as a student of the University of Oregon, I had worked for three months in summer of 1967.
Taylor Creek
Taylor Creek is located on the south shore of beautiful Lake Tahoe. The Stream Profile Chamber, located a quarter mile down the Rainbow Trail, allows visitors an opportunity to study a diverted section of Taylor Creek through a panel of aquarium-like windows. It is a major attraction for local conservation and environmental education programs. A 180-degree curved diorama illustrates life both above and below the water. That diorama features a mural displaying all the seasons at Taylor Creek.
Mono Lake
Mono Lake is a large, shallow, saline soda lake in Mono County, California, formed at least 760,000 years ago as a terminal lake in a basin that had no outlet to the ocean, according to brochures in the visitor’s center. The lack of an outlet caused a high level of salt to accumulate in the lake, making the water quite alkaline.
The lake has an unusually productive ecosystem based on the brine shrimp that thrive in its waters. It also provides critical nesting habitat for more than two million migratory birds that feed on the shrimp.
Mono Lake is in a geologically active area at the north end of the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain and is close to Long Valley Caldera. The most recent eruption occurred a mere 350 years ago.
In 1941, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began diverting Mono Lake’s tributary streams 350 miles south to meet the growing water demands of the city. Deprived of its freshwater sources, the volume of Mono Lake was cut by half and its salinity doubled. Unable to adapt to such drastically changing conditions in such a short period of time, the ecosystem began to collapse. Islands that had previously contained important nesting sites became peninsulas that were vulnerable to predation by mammals and reptiles. Photosynthetic rates of algae, the base of the food chain, were reduced and the reproductive ability of the lake’s brine shrimp was impaired.
Air quality also decreased as the exposed lake bed became the source of airborne particulate matter, violating the Clean Air Act. If something hadn’t been done, Mono Lake would have become a lifeless chemical sump.
Appalled by that prospect, David Gaines formed the Mono Lake Committee in 1978 and began talking to conservation clubs, schools, service organizations, legislators, lawyers, and anyone else who would listen about the lake’s value. Under Gaines’s leadership, Mono Lake Committee membership grew to 20,000 and ultimately gained legal and legislative recognition for Mono Lake. Since its establishment, the committee has gained many victories in its fight to protect Mono Lake, with the help of the public and a coalition of government agencies and non-profit groups.
The unusual rock formations that grace Mono Lake’s shores are known as tufa. It is essentially common limestone, but what makes tufa uncommon is the way it forms.
Typically, underwater springs rich in calcium mix with lake water rich in carbonates. As the calcium comes in contact with the carbonates, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in calcium carbonate—also known as limestone.
The calcium carbonate precipitates around the spring, and over the course of centuries, a tufa tower forms. Growing exclusively under water, some tufa towers grow to heights of more than thirty feet. The reason it’s possible to see so many tufa towers around Mono Lake today is because the lake level has fallen dramatically since 1941.
June Lake
June Lake is located on the other side of Highway 390 from the Mono Lake, at an elevation of 7654 feet. The majority of the developed community is spread narrowly along a five-mile stretch of California State Route 158 (which is also known either as June Lake Loop Road or Boulder Drive in the populated areas.)
June Lake’s valley, often described as a horseshoe canyon, was formed by glacial action. The Rush Creek glacier split in two when it encountered the resistant rock of what is now known as Reversed Peak. The main glacier flowed to the north, creating Rush Creek Canyon. Another glacial branch turned south and east, but its flow was impeded and eventually stopped altogether as the granitic bedrock, since the southern branch created an uphill path toward the volcanic area of the Mono Craters.
The community of June Lake retained its commercial vitality through the 1970s with the addition of a bank, hardware and paint store, welder, auto body repair, art and pottery galleries, and other businesses. Since that time, however, there has been a steady economic decline, spurred by the growth of the nearby town of Mammoth Lakes, which has drawn most commercial activity away from the outlying communities.
After the Tour
I was so impressed by the natural wonder of the scenery and the disastrous damage to the area by human beings that I decided I would like to see the area again in a different season, especially the summer. The most attractive site for me was the June Lake Loop, where I’d like to camp and fish for the giant rainbow trout in the lake. However, I’ve been told that the huge trout are hard to catch since they’re old and cagey and that restocking of young trout has been curtailed almost entirely by California because the program is nearly bankrupt. Just another sad story about how human politics can damage the environment.
In summer, I may also be able to cross Monitor Pass from Kings Canyon of the Sequoia Mountains. It may take weeks to explore the natural wonders, but what a wonderful part of the Earth we live in!
From Korea to the World published by (2) | 2016.11.21 |
"여행 이야기" 소개 (0) | 2013.08.20 |
Quality of Life Study: Laguna Woods Village (0) | 2013.08.20 |
엄마야 누나야 강변살자 (0) | 2012.07.17 |
main (0) | 2009.08.17 |